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List of factors that could influence the amount of discount provided to a project:
Timeline or Deadline
-Generally, the more time we have, the better discount we can offer.
Number of Prints
-Generally, the higher the volume, the better discount we can offer.
-The content of the images will also be considered. Images that are very dark, very white, or have tricky colours will affect our quote.
Paper Type and Stock Levels
-Our current stock levels and the type of paper will affect our quoting decisions. Papers highlighted in green on our price list are more heavily stocked.
-Generally, consistent sizes will mean a better discount.
Full bleed and exact borders require more attention to detail. Generally, requesting ‘some borders’ will mean a better discount.
Flat Sheet or Roll Stock?
Do you have a preference for flat sheet or roll stock?
Does the project require special packaging?
Third Party Involvement
-Will a third party be involved in your project. The number of points of contact for your project will affect the discount.
Payment Terms
Pre-paid, pay upon pickup, or terms will affect the quote.